Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

Hugh Peachey's success at Cannes

GPY&R Melbourne has won four Gold Lions at Cannes for their Mobile Medic campaign shot by Hugh Peachey. It is the first medically diagnosable advertising created for Defense Force Recruiting.

Mobile Medic scooped two gold Promo & Activation Lions, along with gold Direct and Outdoor Lion wins. The campaign also picked up a silver Lion in the Outdoor category.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Contacts: est 1994

To celebrate Contacts' 18th birthday we made this poster featuring images of the photographers and artists circa 1994. Seeing the growth that occurs in 18 years really puts the milestone year in perspective.  Plus its a lot of fun to see all their baby faces!

If you would like a copy of the poster email Katy on katy@contactsphotography.com.au.