Hungry Jacks hit the news (and Gruen World) recently as the first Australian fast food franchise to conform to the new legislation of displaying kilojoule value alongside price point for each of their menu items.
Clemenger BBDO senior creative Baz Baker and AD Sarah Parris wanted to break from the usual menuboard style and boost the food values by showcasing the hero items in an editorially inspired style alongside the fresh ingredients that go into the preparation of the items.
They got Janyon involved in the process from early on and together created a look and feel that's refreshingly different from the run-of-the-mill menuboard photography. His food experience in quick service restaurants (QSR) and love of food editorial made this the ideal challenge for that skill set.
After a mammoth shoot involving prop stylist Leesa O'Reilly and co-styled by Jan Edwards, and the unflappable food stylist Ben Masters, this team felt like family by the end of the project.

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